
Studio Space Dawg is an acclaimed 2D animation studio located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is solely led by Michael Lim, who is a self-taught animator with a strong background in graphic design. His experience in graphic design has sharpened his ability to distinguish between good and bad designs, which greatly benefits his work in animation. Michael's passion for traditional formats and their unique qualities drives his exploration of 2D animation. With his talent, he can create entire imaginative worlds and bring them to life. Additionally, his training in piano allows him to collaborate with music engineers, resulting in perfect audio that complements his animations.


/ D&AD 2024 Wood Pencil 'motoguo'
/ D&AD 2024 Wood Pencil 'KLABF 2023'
/ D&AD 2024 Shortlisted 'Hermès Interlude'
/ ADC Award 2024 Gold Cube 'Hermès Interlude'
/ ADC Award 2024 Silver Cube 'motoguo'
/ ADC Award 2023 Silver Cube 'Reebok x FTMD.'
/ D&AD 2022
Wood Pencil 'KLABF 2021'

/ D&AD New Blood Award 2021 Yellow Pencil 'giffgaff Transmutation'


It’s Nice That
Zero Doctrine


©2024                                             (LA0044553-V)


©2024                                                 (LA0044553-V)